effective squirrel removal techniques

Effective Squirrel Removal Techniques

Squirrels may not be harmful when they are living in the wild but can be destructive once they invade your home. Fortunately, there are a number of effective ways to get rid of them. However, you should choose a method that works best for you, depending on the breed of squirrel you want to eliminate.
Best Ways to Get Rid Of Squirrels From Your Home
Trapping squirrels can be a daunting task that requires skills. To get started, purchase live traps from reputable hardware near you. Bait the trap with fruits or peanut butter and set it up near the exit hole to your attic. However, this option may not be an effective way to get rid of rodents since trapping squirrels is not only tricky but also time-consuming.

After trapping them, it is advisable to move squirrels far away from your home you relocate them, check your state regulations regarding animal relocation. In some states, it is illegal to relocate or transport animals that you have trapped without a permit.

There are various options that can be used to prevent these rodents from invading your home, including sealing all the openings and gaps, which squirrels can use to gain access to your house, squirrel-proofing your bird feeders, and removing nuts or berries from your yard. Additionally, make sure that you squirrel-proof the entire apartment with a steel mesh.

Squirrel Repellent
There are a variety of repellents to scare away approaching rodents. Repellents such as predator urine and ground chilli pepper can keep away squirrels. Unfortunately, the natural squirrel deterrent may become ineffective in the long run as squirrels become used to them.
In order to completely squirrels control, you need to use a variety of methods. This way, you will be able to protect your property from being invaded by squirrels and other harmful rodents.